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Friday, June 12, 2009

Kitchen Adventures

The grape vine is yielding lots of grapes right now. They're not terribly big and only a little sweet, and since we've got so many, raisins they will become. Organic raisins seem to be hard to come by anyway, so I think this is the best idea. I'm hoping we'll have plenty to last us for a while. The first batch has been drying outside for two days now on a cookie sheet in a pillow case. Maybe in a day or two we'll have the final result.

The herbs are looking good right now, especially the mint since it hasn't gotten too hot yet. I'm thinking of trying my hand at making mint jelly soon. We've also been experimenting with making Indian food -- naan and dahl to be specific. Making naan is pretty much like making tortillas and the combination of spices for making dahl is pretty interesting (cinnamon, corriander, cumin, cloves, turmeric, mustard seeds) and tasty. Right now we're using some kefir grains to make ginger beer. It's got another day or two to go. Hope it turns out!

1 comment:

  1. hey, we have grapes too and they are tiny, but sweet - ours are red though. let me know how the raisins turn out!
